Welcome to MWM!

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Welcome to our Midwest Modern home! 

My name is Lexi, and my husband, Colin, and I are building a home in Northwest Indiana. We wanted a space to chronicle the journey of building a home–so here we are to bring you along as we build, design, and decorate from the ground up! Whether it be useful information for building a home, or simply fun of watching our visions come to life, we hope you find joy within these pages!


A little background on us:

Colin and I both grew up in Northwest Indiana. Shortly after getting married, we packed up with our Pomeranian, Marley, and moved to Colorado. We settled in the Denver-metro area and immediately started planting roots for our future. We both worked hard, made new connections, and grew our family by one adorable pup–Benji, our yellow Labrador. We are coming up on 7 years of being in Colorado, and we still love it here just as much as we did when we pulled up to our first apartment. We’ve grown as individuals and as a couple, we’ve experienced difficulties in having our families long-distance, and we’ve made some new, life-long friendships. We bought a home, remodeled it, and sold it. We then built a beautiful new home and put a lot of sweat and love into making it into a home we could love for a long time. We’ve also made so many great memories exploring this beautiful state. We wouldn’t change our experiences in Colorado for anything.


The last few months we have become more serious about expanding our family and raising children. With that, family becomes even more important than it already is to us. We had many discussions about making the difficult decision to potentially move back to our hometown and stay rooted there for the long-term. We ultimately felt that being back near our families was the best decision for our future. We will miss Colorado immensely, but with that we are also extremely excited to embark on this new journey and be near family again. 

Everything that we have accomplished in Colorado has set us up, in a way we could have never imagined, to be able to move back to NWI and build a dream home. We have some things in the works already, but we can’t wait to actually get to building this house. We appreciate you being here, and we hope you love it just as much as we will!

- Lexi & Colin