Framing is Complete!

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We are done with framing and ready to move on to the next steps!

We left off having our exterior walls up and interior layout complete. After that they started on the roof. Our roof is a mix of trusses and stick building. This is because we have a couple places where we will have a vaulted ceiling. The framer worked with an engineer to figure a way to stick build the vaulted areas rather than having to use trusses. Stick building allows us to see the full potential of our vault instead of having trusses get in the way.


Trusses are built offsite and then installed with a crane after they are delivered to the jobsite. They are engineered and built to hold the structure of the roof of a home. Depending on the architecture of your home, you may have a choice to completely stick-build or use trusses for your roof. We are told our rooflines are more complicated for various reasons, so we cannot stick build everywhere for structural reasons. The first photo below has a stick built roof. The following two photos have a roof that is built with trusses. 


These pictures are showing our main living and kitchen/dining area as well as our primary bedroom and bathroom. You'll notice we have some can lights and things installed there. We are into the rough-in stage already, but that update will come a little later 🙂. Right now, we really want to highlight the framing because our home has finally taken shape! We are so excited to see finishes on it now, but in the mean time we love admiring our roof lines and walking through the layout of the home. 


Now we are focused on getting our rough-ins done (electric, plumbing, and HVAC), getting windows and exterior doors installed, and hopefully getting the brick and siding on the exterior of the home before the weather turns. We had to get the windows and doors ordered back when we started framing, but we are still waiting on some of the exterior doors to come in. We’re crossing our fingers to have this home closed up before winter truly comes. Having everything dried-in means framing is done, windows and exterior doors are installed, and the roof has the ice and water shield and paper on (it does not need shingles quite yet). This means that the outside elements won’t affect the inside of the house. We do have the roof dried-in already, so if it does rain it's not soaking the inside of the house anymore because it can only come in through the window/door openings. 

So we’ll have more behind-the-scenes work until we get to drywall and interior finishes. This means some updates that may not be very interesting. Although, in the meantime we will finally have more updates on our final selections for interior finishes, so that will be fun 😬.


- Lexi & Colin